I am a craftsman devoted to recreating fine, handmade furniture that is authentically built, from the inside out, to match originals from the 18th and 19th centuries. Carrying on the tradition of fine American craftsmanship, I take pride in the design, construction, and finishing of each piece and strive to support sustainable practices.
The Craftsman movement of the mid 19th century advocated a return to Honest Craftsmanship, a use of natural products and pure design. One of its founders, William Morris, believed that if furniture was handmade and a craftsman enjoyed working with his hands, then the finished piece would be a quality piece. Morris believed that, like a piece of fine art, quality furniture enriched your life and added to the happiness of your home. In this day of mass produced, cheap imports, I believe this philosophy is still relevant.
I have worked in the following Furniture Styles:
William and Mary
Queen Anne
Federal-Hepplewhite, Sheraton
Mission/Arts and Crafts
I have a degree in history and have trained as a furniture maker. My father and grandfather were also trained as furniture makers. I worked at Old Economy, a local historical site, in the cabinet shop under the direction of the cabinetmaker.
I am a member of SAPFM, Society of American Period Furniture Makers.
I have done living history demonstrations and am a member of The Brigade of the American Revolution.